Great Expectations

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Great Expectations In life, symbolism is present all around us. Whether it is in the clothes we wear, the things we do, or what we buy, everything has a meaning. Symbolism is also present in literature and it is shown in Charles Dickens Great Expectations. The symbols of isolation, manipulation, the tragic hero, and wanting to be someone else are seen throughout the book through the characters of Estella, Magwitch, Miss Havisham, and Pip. The …

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…Magwitch, was giving it to Herbert. As shown from the examples above, symbolism plays an important part in Charles Dickens Great Expectations. Many symbols such as isolation, manipulation, the tragic hero, and wanting to be someone else are present throughout the novel and are brought to life by the characters. People in today's society must realize that a lot of what we do symbolizes something about us and helps explain who we are as people.