Great Expectations

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
One major theme in the novel is appearance versus "reality". Discuss several things in the novel that weren't as they seemed to be. For example, Pip's Benefactor. <Tab/> <Tab/>In Great Expectations, Pips benefactor seems to be Miss Haveshem. She seems to take him in as a lad and introduce him to Estella, the young lady that he later falls in love with and is lead to …

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…broken apart as he was caught and brought to death. Though before Abel dies, Pip puts Abel's heart and mind at ease when he tells him that his daughter is alive, beautiful, and Pip is in love with her. Abel is able to die peacefully. It was at this point in the story that Pip is fully matured. Though he loses his childhood innocence early, he, in turn, he reaches mature adulthood earlier as well.