Great Britain's role in establishing an industrial society in Europe. (within the period of 1750-1899)

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Essay Database > History > European History
For the industrial revolution to begin the proper circumstances had to first be present. The enlightenment had finished, spreading intellect, reason, and insight across the continent. This gave a source for the technological advancement needed for an industrialized society. The agricultural revolution in Great Britain during the mid 18th century fuelled a population boom which gave the workforce needed for further industrialization. It also strengthened the British economy, leaving more money to be reinvested into …

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…started in Britain and then emanated across Europe and North America. Because Great Britain managed to excel in each aspect, other nations were prone to do the same. Though some social conflicts emerged, for the most part they were resolved through compromise and were unsubstantial when compared to the huge economic growth associated with industrialization. Industrialization was so quickly established in Europe because Great Britain's success was the example which other countries wanted to emulate.