Great Awakening

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Throughout the course of history, many different groups of people fled their homeland in search of religious freedom. Many of these peoples came to America seeking religious freedom. Two groups that sought this freedom in America were the Puritans and the Calvinists. Both of these religions had many leaders, but two stand out above the rest. They are Jonathan Edwards (Puritanism) and George Whitefield(Calvinism). These preachers led what is known as revivalism among the …

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…kinds of religious expression. Through the efforts of these great preachers, Americans realized their sinfullness, and the importance of God in their daily lives. References Carse, James P. Jonathan Edwards and the Visibility of God. NY Scribner, 1967. Davidson, Edward. Jonathan Edwards:The Narrative of a Puritan Mind. Cambridge:Harvard UP, 1968. Hatch, Nathan O. Jonathan Edwards and the American Experience. NY:Oxford UP, 1988. Kuklick, Bruce. Churchmen and Philosophers:From Jonathan Edwards to John Dewey. Yale UP, 1985.