Grapes of Wrath

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Grapes of Wrath - Characterization Evidence/ Quotations from the Text: "Winfield was breathless in his telling. 'So then they fit, an' that big girl hit Ruthie a good one, an' Ruthie said her brother'd kill that big girl's brother. An' then- an' then, Ruthie said our brother already kil't two fellas. An'- an' that big girl said, 'Oh yeah! You're jus' a litlle smarty liar.' An' Ruthie said, 'Oh yeah? Well, our brother's a- …

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…if they'll help ditch up. Got to git outa here if they won't" (482). Analysis/ Commentary As the water creeps up on the boxcar, Pa must decide whether to leave or to build a bank to control the flooding. He understands that building a bank is risky and involves help from the other men. However, if the family leaves, they may be unsuccessful in finding any dry land. Pa's decision is crucial in protecting the family.