"Grandad's Gifts"

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Essay Database > Literature > English
a.Prior to the Second World War Jews had been settling in Australia since the first fleet arrived. Between eight and fourteen Jewish convicts are believed to have been part of the first fleet that arrived in Australia on 26th January 1788. The first free Jewish settler is believed to have arrived in the year 1816. Organised Jewish life in Australia began in the 1830s with the first synagogue being established in Sydney in the year 1837. By …

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…While celebrating Jewish worship he needs to be called Rabbi but when in public he prefers to be called by his first name but doesn't mind being called Rabbi if that is what people want. Worship is held on Friday evening and on Saturday morning in a synagogue. They have adapted to the Australian culture like having a sort of democracy in the church instead of the Rabbi being in charge like an Orthodox Jew.