Grammar in Monolingual English Dictionaries - What kind of grammatical aspects/information can be found in monolingual dictionaries and why is it included

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Grammar in Monolingual English Dictionaries Introduction Since grammar is a very important and essential part of learning and acquiring a foreign language, grammatical aspects and information can be found in almost every monolingual learner's dictionary. One might argue that it is not necessary to include such points in a publication whose main purpose is to supply the learner with definitions and meanings of words, when there are also own language books specially designed to help …

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…. Hornby, Albert Sydney. Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English. 6th Ed., new ed. ed. by Sally Wehmeier. Oxford: Cornelsen & Oxford, 2000. Landau, Sidney I. Dictionaries - The Art and Craft of Lexicography. Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge, 1991. Meriam-Webster Online. 2003 <> Sinclair, John, ed. Collins Cobuild English dictionary for advanced learners. 3rd ed. Glasgow: Harper Collins, 2001. Woodford, Kate. "Re: Grammar in dictionaries." E-mail to Cambridge University Press