Gramma, Thing That Go Quack In The Night, Letters From Camp, Where Angles Fear, and the Monkeys Paw, Compariason

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
<Tab/> Comparison Of the Five Journals When we read al these stories ; Gramma, Thing That Go Quack In The Night, Letters From Camp, Where Angles Fear, and the Monkeys Paw, Some of them I liked and some of them I didn't really like. So now I am going to compare these stories just for you. My favorite story out of the five is probably 'Letters From Camp' because it was both …

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…took to long to understand and Where Angles Fear was just plain different. If we read another five stories and we got to pick the genre we want to hear I would probably want to hear a comedy mystery kind of genre, or adventure story because I like those kind of stories. It might sound like I hated these stories but I liked the stories its just that I have to write something to compare.