Graham Greene: The Destructors, A Shocking Accident, and The Blue Film. This is a biographical essay on Graham Greene, which critiques as well as explains three of his short stories.

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Essay Database > Literature > Biographies
Graham Greene The Destructors, A Shocking Accident, and The Blue Film. Graham Greene has a style of writing, which incorporates much meaning with a hint of dry humor. The environment in which a writer lives determines the type of works that they will produce. Another factor which many writers take advantage of is a select type of genre or author that they read at earlier stages in the development of their writing style. Like most …

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… need to be thought deeply into to understand. His works show how the worst things can have humor and consequently how the most humorous things could be made to have a negative connotation. Greene died in 1991, but most of his works still remain in print today. Because of the controversy and humor involved in his writings people believe many of his stories to be their favorites, even though he was an anti-American Communist bastard.