Graduates Entering Investment Banking.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Thousands of graduates will be looking to enter Investment Banking this year. Many who are very focussed and know exactly where they want to be and those who just know they want to work within Investment Banking. There are many choices to be made but these early choices are crucial to future career development. For those graduates who have achieved A grade "A" levels and are looking to achieve a 2:1 minimum in a financial discipline …

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…not need to be reminded that after the heady 1993 vintage came 1994, which flattened many bond houses. The outlook for 2002 is definitely set fair for fixed income and Central bankers are unlikely to upset the fragile recovery in equities by raising interest rates. If there are renewed terrorist attacks, it is equities that will suffer rather than bonds. The future is looking brighter for those looking to enter Banking Operations as confidence returns to the market.