Grace Abbott vs. Prescott Hall Differing views on immigration from Grace Abbott and Prescott Hall.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
"America: the land of opportunity." Many immigrants find America so appealing because of the numerous freedoms and opportunities available for them to experience. They often come with hopes of the possibilities in America and the dream of starting from nothing and working his/her way up the ladder of success. Even in the past, they were told that in America "all men were created equal" and were endowed with "certain unalienable rights", including Life, Liberty, …

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…Possibly in the future there will be a balance between the economic issues and the humanitarianism which will allow those searching for a better life to come to America and know that they add to our nation's success. The days of "give me your tired, your poor" may not apply to our current society, but our door should always be open to those longing to work toward a better future in a land of freedom.