Governor of Texas 1934.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The year was 1923, when a young man from Bowie Texas was appointed to an unexpired term as district attorney of the Thirtieth Texas District. James V Allred (V was a name, not an initial.), eagerly took this assignment possibly knowing that it would become the foundation of his political career. His background was that of the average Texan of the time, born: March 29, 1899, in Bowie Texas. He enrolled in Rice Institute now Rice University, in 1917 …

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…References Barta, D. (2000, Winter). Portrait of Judge Sarah T. Hughes. Retrieved February 19, 2003, from University of North Texas Web site: Texas State Library. (1999, Summer). Texas Governors. Retrieved February 19, 2003, from Daily Events Dallas Texas. (December 29, 1935) Dallas Times Herald, pp. 10-11 Texas Archival Resources Online (2002) TARO Retrieved February 19, 2003, from