Government in Iraq

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Government of Iraq Iraq now is a very unstable country with no enforced government. It is unsafe for a country to go without a government or some sort of leader. "The people are going to start to get used to no rules" jokingly says Stacy Taus-Bolstad, author of "Iraq in Pictures". This quote leads to the conclusion that that Iraq needs a government soon. Iraqi people should have a choice on what kind of government …

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…Western Hemisphere. New York: Twenty-First Century Books, 1997. "Monarchy." Columbia Encyclopedia. 6th ed. 2004. "Iraq." The World Factbook. 30 Nov. 2004. CIA. 9 Dec. 2004 <http://>. Within Ethnicity. Dec. 2003. Social Indicator. 9 Dec. 2004 < >. "The Gettysburg Address." Abraham Lincoln Online. 2004. 9 Dec. 2004 < - 7k >.