Government 301 Assignment # 2

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Question #1. A: Research: Are females more likely to vote Democratic or Republican? B: Directional Hypothesis: Females are more likely to vote Democratic. C: Unit of Analysis: Individual level D: Dependent Variable: Party vote E: Independent variable: Gender Question #2. 1.Interval <Tab/>2. Ratio <Tab/>3. Nominal <Tab/>4. Ordinal <Tab/>5. Interval <Tab/>6. Interval Question # 3. Hypothesis 1: ·&…

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…a state-level and also says that 13 states did not participate in this data. Research question: why do Cubans vote Republican? Hypothesis: Latino immigration party voters are Democrats. Unit of Analysis: Country level Independent Variable: Cuban Immigrants Dependent Variable: The party vote Research question: Does the media affect the jury's decisions on a capital offense? Hypothesis: The quantity of media the jury hears. Unit of analysis: state level Independent variable: the jury Dependent variable: capital offense