Gothic horror has been described as "delightful horror". Focusing on chapter five of "Frankenstein", how has Shelley used the gothic genre to explore deeper issues?

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
Intorduction Mary Shelley was brought up in radical surroundings. Throughout her life she was dominated by writers and poets. She had a very intellectual and opinionated family; her mother was a campaigner for women's equal rights and her father was a political free thinker. Chapter 5 reveals that Mary Shelley has overturned the usual gothic conventions. She uses violent thunder storms to create an eerie, tense and ghostly atmosphere. The storm in chapter 5 is undramatic, it …

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…man tries to create new life without a woman disastrous. Throughout the novel we are lead to think that there is a deliberate absence of females and how Frankenstein avoids feminine issues. However, a closer look reveals that the creation of his monster is a travesty against a woman's biological prerogative. In victors arrogance he believes he can create wonderful new life without the role of a woman but Shelley demonstrates how wrong he is.