Gothic Literature in America. Looks specifically at Edgar Allen Poe's Tell Tale Heart.

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Gothic Literature Gothic, Romantic, and Enlightenment periods are all have differences in the way the author writes. Gothic writing however, is a major shift in how a person looks at the human race and its qualities. A dictionary definition of Gothic states that it is "an artistic style or movement of the 18th and 19th centuries inspired by and imitative of the Gothic style especially in architecture "[]. My definition …

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…one and also another example of how it could happen to everyday people and they wouldn't even realize until it is too late. The Gothic novel dominated English literature from its conception in 1764 to its 'supposed' demise in 1820 [Gothic Canon]. Overall, gothic literature is a major shift from the Enlightenment and Romantic periods. Edgar Allen Poe's is a great author and his works are some of the best examples of how Gothic literature is used.