Gothic Architecture Key Contribution from the Middle Ages

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Gothic Architecture The technical revolution in architecture known as "Gothic" began at the end of the 12th century and lasted just over two hundred years. The advances made in architecture paralleled those in intellectual life. Gothic architecture was generally tall and inspiring and was a significant structural improvement upon the Romanesque buildings that preceded it. Even though the Gothic era roughly lasted two hundred years (12th-14th century), it was long enough to voyage deep …

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…influenced the people of an earlier time but still continues to influence people today. References Janson, H.W. History of Art. Englewood Cliffs; Prentice-Hall, 1974 Gothic Architecture. Baltimore; Penguin Books, 1962 Oxford Encyclopedic Dictionary. New York; Oxford University Press, 1996 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition; Columbia University Press, 2003 Branner, Robert. (1961) Gothic Architecture. Retrieved December 11, 2003, from .html Sporre, Dennis J. (2002) Creative Impulse: An Introduction to the Arts, Sixth Edition. New Jersey: Pearson Custom Publishing