"Goodnight Mr Tom" by Michelle Magorian. Write about how each character has influenced Willie's life and personality.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Task: Willie Beech's life and personality has been influenced by his mother, Mr Tom and Zach in the novel, "Goodnight Mister Tom". Write about how each character has influenced Willie's life and personality. Which of these characters, in your opinion has had the greatest influence on Willie? A novel that I have read and enjoyed is "Goodnight Mister Tom" by Michelle Magorian. The novel takes place during World War 2. The novel deals with themes such …

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…Magorian is a novel, which deals with themes such as child abuse, war and death. I think that each character has had an influence on Will however Zach and Tom had a good influence on Will and his mother had a bad influence on him. I think that Mrs Beech's death made Will feel relieved knowing that he didn't have to go back to her and then Tom adopted him so he felt even safer.