GoodWillHunting .

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Film & TV
Will Hunting grew upon the poor side of Boston; the Southie neighborhood. It's area for the working class, less fortunate and uneducated. In the beginning scenes, we, the viewers are just getting to know Will. At first he seems like any twenty-year old 'Southie' Thug; violent and brash. Of those we've seen in the film, his violence is the most extreme. One of the scenes, in which he spies and old school bully (Carmine) and …

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…is scared and no longer holds onto his past or blames himself for what's happened. When he leaves to find Skylar, and gives Chuckie (his best friend) his wish: "If you're still here in twenty years I'll kill ya!", he uses Sean's line "I gotta go see about a girl" to let him know that he's finally moving on. These are all symbolic of his 'growing up' and changed perspective of life, relationships and learning.