Good and Evil

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Adam Tanner Mrs. Kachur 10/04/01 Per 8 Good and Evil I have never thoroughly thought about the concept of good and evil. That is, not on any terms except for the common sense definition good and evil. When I think about the meaning of good, just not being evil will not cut it. In order to be a good person, one must do the most they can for others. They must go beyond the average person. This …

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…evil. In conclusion, I believe good to be the exact antithesis of evil. It is reassuring that I see good more often than evil. However what I see on television, particularly on the news, leads me to believe that there is more evil than there is good in this world. Although the news may be biased towards showing more evil, I just may not see what other people see in other parts of the country.