Good Will Hunting

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Good Will Hunting Will: Matt Damon Sean McGuire: Robin Williams Chuckie: Ben Affleck Skylar: Minnie Driver Lambeau: Stellan Skarsgard Directed by Gus Van Sant. Written by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. Running time: 125 minutes. Classified R (for strong language, including some sex-related dialogue). It must be heartbreaking to be able to appreciate true genius and yet fall just short of it yourself. A man can spend his entire life studying to be a mathematician--and yet …

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…chooses to. True, they can both do quick math in their heads. But Will Hunting is not an idiot savant or some kind of lovable curiosity; he's a smart man who knows he's smart but pulls back from challenges because he was beaten down once too often as a child. Here is a character who has four friends who love and want to help him, and he's threatened by their help because it means abandon