Good Earth

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Pearl S. Buck shows her readers the many faces of Wang Lung in her book, The Good Earth. Wang Lung is a rice farmer who gains all his wealth through the land. He struggles to move from poverty to a well respected wealthy man. Wang Lungs character portrays a man's unselfishness, determination, and loyalty towards his family and friends. Wang Lung's caring and generous nature towards his family and friends make him a well-liked person. …

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…to live on his own, therefore Wang Lung is sure that there is always someone there to look after his father. Pearl Buck elucidates the character of Wang Lung in many ways. She gives him a wide array of personalities that the reader can dictate into a unique man. Through his experiences with Lotus to his wealthieness as a Great Man, Buck draws a mental picture of it all in the book, The Good Earth.