"Gone with the wind".

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Pages: 11
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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
GOne with the wind Questions Include: 1.Give a summary of the book. Include the plot, the rising conflict and its climax and so on. 2.Give the character that you identify most? Why? 3.What is the setting of the story and how does it affect the story? What would happen if the story was set in another time or setting? 4.What are the major conflicts in this story? How would have Jesus reacted to one of …

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…I get is, Jesus would have advised to stop what they, to tell to show them that they were committing sins in the eyes of our God the creator. He then would have given time to redeem himself and if it didn't work, he would declare them sinners and St. Paul said that the reward of sins is death! And so did Jesus, but he wouldn't be that harsh, he is and was Jesus Christ!