Gold rush, History of Australia during the 19th century.

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Essay Database > History > World History
In 2001, Australian celebrate the 150th anniversary of the official discovery of gold near bathrust in New south Wales. On 12 February 1851 , Edward Hargrave's found five grains of gold in mud washed from Lewis ponds Creek. Gold was such a valuable and desired material that for a while, the whole country was caught up in 'gold' fever'. Men left their jobs, homes and families to rush to the goldfields in New South Wales and Victoria. The fever …

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…a new "middle-class" So the situation ended up in a good way, when the troopers told how the miners fought to the government, the government were astonished so they decided to decrease the amount of the fees that the miners had to pay to dig for gold. Later it became as cheap as a pound a year. The miners were really pleased with the tax payments and violence started to stop in the digging place.