Going a different way.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
When you have nothing to say, don't say anything. And so I've been silent for the past month or so. I've wanted to write something in response to recent events, but nothing chose to emerge. The other day however, I found something that really got me thinking. As with most discoveries on the internet, it was completely serendipitous and circuitous. In my ongoing search for a new bicycle, I was investigating the merits of different …

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…only the surface attraction rather than the deeper compatibility with not just what I want, but who I actually am. This is as true of bicycles as it is for the people we choose we spend our time with. Being willing to challenge your assumptions in small things, like buying a bike, can teach us the fruitful gift of appreciating that there is not just one way of doing thngs. Nor even a best way.