"Going Out" by David Nasaw.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Going Out: The Rise and Fall of Public Amusements. By David Nasaw. Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1999 Critical Book Review: Going Out by David Nasaw David Nasaw's Going Out documents not only the historical relevancy of public amusements in the era, but also their economic and sociological effects. Nasaw paints a picture of amusements in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. He discusses all of the various forms of amusements from museums, vaudeville's, and nickelodeon's …

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…job at painting an accurate picture of the Amusements in the era. His thorough research provided for a book that would be very relevant to anyone looking for historical information on any of the amusements he discussed. However, the books lack of purpose made it extremely boring. I would hesitate to recommend this book to anyone as a "pleasure" read, but do feel that it would be very useful for anyone interested in the topic.