Going Back in the Past: This is a process essay about my personal past.

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Essay Database > History > European History
The fond memories that I had during my early years were memorable. I spent most of my adolescent years in forming close bonds with my basketball friends. Yet, school life in Hong Kong was monotonous and mundane. The hectic schedule and numerous nights spent on studying took a toll on me, and I was exhausted. At that instant, I felt that I needed a change. One of the biggest decisions that I made was deciding …

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…countries. It was an awesome experience. I always wonder what if I didn't come, and how my life was going to be. Thinking, getting advice, and collecting information were the three steps that I had to go through when I was making my decision. Although that was such a tough decision to make, I am glad that I spent a lot of time going through the process so that I didn't make the wrong decision.