Go tell it on the mountain :James Baldwin

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
James Baldwin James Baldwin was born in Harlem, New York City, as the son of a local worker. Growing up with the aspiration to be a great writer. Even though James was brought up in severe poverty he did not let this hold him back from becoming one of the greatest writers. As a young child he did not have a male figure in his life until he was three, when his mother married a …

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…Massachusetts at Amherst. He spent his latter years in St. Paul de Vence on the Riviera, France, where he died of stomach cancer on November 30, 1987. In Conclusion James Baldwin lived a prosperous life. Publishing countless narratives and novels, he was recognized world wide. He did not let the fact that he was a bisexual stop him from the things that he wanted to accomplished. When he did he definitely left his mark on the world.