Globalization is the integration of world economies (Questia, 2004). It affects productivity, imports and exports, technology and growth rates.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Current Issues
Globalization is the integration of world economies (Questia, 2004). It affects productivity, imports and exports, technology and growth rates. Globalization has become identified with a number of trends, most of which have developed since World War II. These include greater international movement of commodities, money, information, and people; and the development of technology, organizations, legal systems and infrastructures to allow movement. More specifically, globalization refers to: *<Tab/>Increace in international trade at …

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…or maintain a competitive edge in global markets. In relation, Kofi Annan said in his address to the World Economic Forum, Davos Switzerland, January 28, 2001, "If we cannot make globalization work for all, in the end it will work for none. The unequal distribution of benefits, and the imbalances in global rule making, which characterize globalization today ... will unravel the open world economy that has been so painstakingly constructed over the course of the past century".