Globalization and its effect on Market Dominant Minorities

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Essay Database > History > European History
The Global Threat Leona Chua, a Chinese business woman who had great entrepreneurial success in the Filipino capital of Manila, was exceedingly successful in the community. Most of her estate consisted of ethnic Filipino employees. She was an extremely wealthy Chinese woman in a meager Filipino city. It is understandable that many would be jealous of her accomplishments. She employed around 20 native Filipino servants, and due to the economic problems, that if they were not …

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…than them. Bibliography: 1.<Tab/>Chua, Amy. World on Fire. 1st. New York: Anchor Books, 2003. 2.<Tab/>"Globalization." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 25 Apr 2006, 12:19 UTC. 25 Apr 2006, 23:43 <>. 3. The IMF Staff, "Globalization: Threat or Opportunity?." International Monetary Fund. January 2002. International Monetary Fund. 22 April 2006 <>.