Globalization: Case Studies

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
"Globalization is about worldwide economic activity - about open markets, competition and the free flow of goods, services, capital and knowledge" [Definition according to International Chamber of Commerce] The ICC recognizes that globalization can be beneficial economically, but fails to realize the atrocities in the Global South that make these economical gains possible. When asked to what extent should Globalization be promoted in today's society, the following questions must be answered: are the peoples of …

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…would be fired, in lieu of paying maternity leave. Contaminated drinking water was also served to the workers as supervisors shouted filthy names at them to make them work faster. Lydda Gonzalez, a factory worker from Morocco was fired after trying to organize a union, which would have cost the company money to improve working conditions. The disparaging work conditions in the factory show how companies can exploit workers in the name of greater profit.