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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Globalization The topic of globalization is such a multi-layered topic that is almost impossible to make a concrete definition. It affects every sphere of our life- economical, political and social. It is present everywhere in public discourse. Even with the wide use of this concept, there does not appear to be any precise, widely-agreed definition of it. In every single instance the world "globalization" seems to have a different meaning in a different situation. A …

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…to slow down the bad parts. References 1. Cowen, Thomas. 2002 Creative Destruction: How Globalization is Changing the World's Cultures. Princeton University Press 2. Federici, Silivia. Summer 2004 "Globalization and Prossionalization in Africa." Turning Pro: Professional Qualifications and the Global University. No. 2, 22:81-99 3. Friedman, Thomas. 1999. The Lexus and the Olive Tree. Farrar Straus Giroux: New York 4. McLuhan, Marshall 1964 Understanding Media. New York: Mentor 5. Pang Zhongying, 2001 "Another Kind of Globalization: Investigation and Thoughts on "Anti-Globalization" Phenomenon" World Economy and Politics