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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
Society based on national capitalism is becoming weaker and weaker as opposed to the growing power of global capitalism. Globalization according to Riccardo Petrella is a new trend that leads the world towards an unequal division of economic activity and development. If current forms of globalization remain unchanged the already existing problems will become magnified even further. The importance of the national market is being downsized by the growing globalization of the economy. National economy …

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…is up to humanity to decide whether this trend should be altered. For now the future of the globe seems to be in the hands of the multinational firms. Footnotes and Citations 1R. Petrella, "Globalization and Internationalization, The dynamics of the emerging world order" in R. Boyer and D. Drache, eds., States Against Markets: The limits of globalization (NY: Routledge, 1996), p.77. 2Ibid, p.68. 3Ibid, p.68. 4Ibid, p.75. 5Ibid, p.73. 6Ibid, p.69. 7Ibid, p.70. 8Ibid, p.80.