Globalization - Question - Discuss the effect that an increasingly global economy may have on your future responsibilities as a manager, both generally and as regards your chosen field.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
The globalization of the 1990s has had a profound impact on every facet of the business world. Companies in every nation can now reach customers around the world and cut operation costs through global scales of production and distribution. Today, Gillette Co. is manufacturing razors in Russia, Fidelity Investment is selling its funds in Germany, and Citicorp is serving millions of customers from Asia to America. Meanwhile, international markets undergo constant change, intense competition, and …

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…profitability, Citigroup demonstrates that providing such a variety of options to customers ensures a continued revenue stream. Tackling the global economy is a task every manager must be prepared to meet. In addition to knowledge of international business, he must have such skills as leadership, communication and organization, as well as the ability to guide his company through any form of change. Acquiring these crucial skills is the key to any future that involves globalization.