"Globalisation and Its Impact on Both Developed and Underdeveloped Countries"

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Pages: 12
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Essay Database > Business & Economy
This paper examines the concept of 'Globalisation' and its impact on both developed and underdeveloped countries. The opponents to globalisation view growing international trade as detrimental to the interests of developing countries. However, there is no doubt globalisation has the ability to reduce poverty and economic inequality throughout the world. The issue remains whether the aid provided to underdeveloped countries gets to those who need it the most. The presence of corruption and political instability …

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…deal of faith in the ability of regional integration and the creation of a single market to promote efficiency and create jobs (Ford, 2005). This can only be a good thing for the development prospects of Sub-Saharan Africa and the country Uganda. Therefore in summary, globalisation is a concept which can be very effective, however developed countries need to reduce protectionism and underdeveloped countries need to exhibit high quality institutions to weed out corruption and instability.