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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
Most , if not all, of us may know or at least heard about the new term that has brought to us lately by Multinational Corporation (MNC) and big companies, which is globalization. Globalization as defined by Michael D. Bordo, a columnist in Business Economics magazine, is "the increasing close international integration of markets for goods, services and factor of production, labor and capital." Going back on the timeline to the late 1970's when globalization was …

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…Ravi Kiran. "Loss of economic and political sovereignty of "We the People of India" by globalisation" PUCL Bulletin, Aug. 2002 < Topics/Industries -envirn-resettlement/2002/globalisation2.htm> Locke, Edwin A. "Anti-Globalization: The Left's Violent Assault on Global Prosperity". May 1, 2002. Oct. 29, 2002 < global.htm> Melese, Francois. "The Problem of Corruption." The Free Market. June 2002. 5 Nov. 2002. <>