Global Warming: The Greenhouse Effect By Asif

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Chemistry
One of Earth's major danger issues currently is the 'Global Warming' or 'The Greenhouse Effect'. The Greenhouse Effect is the process by which the Earth is made warm enough for all living things to survive. But because the Earth is becoming warmer than it used to be, we are heading towards possible danger that may cause all living things on the earth to perish. This slow rising of temperature is known as the 'Global Warming'. …

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…to live in. If every person in the world did their bit, we wouldn't have the 'Global Warming' as a problem anymore. Bibliography: Search Engine:; Websites:;;;; computer; pen; pencil; paper; The Encarta Encyclopedia 2002 Deluxe; Dictionary; Newspaper: Janakantha 19/9/02, page 3 column 8, article written by Staff Correspondent (no names mentioned); Mr. Shrimpton; Mehrab; cousin Rajib; Microsoft Word; and a printer.