Global Warming

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
There are many problems concerning the environment. Pollution, destruction of the rainforests, and the consumption of all of our planet's natural resources are just a few. None of these issues quite compare to the problem of global warming. Global warming is a problem that affects not just some people, but everything and everyone. People must take action to stop global warming and must realize the severity of this problem before it is too late. The …

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…The year 1998 was the hottest year recorded in the history of the world and the temperature around the globe is currently higher than it has ever been since the year 1862 (Global Warming). The rate of global warming in the last 20 years has been the fastest ever (Hynes 171). If this issue is not addressed, future generations of the world will be forced to suffer the consequences of our actions, or the actions we did not take.