Global Warming

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Pages: 8
(approximately 235 words/page)

Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The phenomenon described as global warming has been well studied and documented by researchers throughout the world for several years. It is a phenomenon that has the potential to destroy our planet and all life on it. This essay will briefly define global warming, provide evidence of global warming, outline the main causes of global warming and discuss both the known and potential impacts of global warming on the planet earth. Comments are also made …

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…be like. Governments of the world will need to work together to stop global warming. There is only one planet that we can live on right now, so we need to respect it and protect it. We must stop destroying our only home. Are we as Canadians prepared to make the sacrifices needed to change our attitudes about our high standard of living and the pursuit of personal wealth in order to save our planet?