Global Strategy at Motorola

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Essay Database > Literature > European Literature
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Motorola is one of the world's leading providers of wireless communications, semiconductors and advanced electronic systems, components and services. Major equipment businesses include cellular telephone, two-way radio, paging and data communications, personal communications, automotive, defense and space electronics and computers. Motorola semiconductors power communication devices, computers and millions of other products. However, in the early 1980s, the onslaught of Japanese firms penetrating the U.S. market with low-priced, high-quality mobile telecommunication devices shook …

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…products. 6.<Tab/>Messaging, Information, and Media Sector - designs and manufactures a wide variety of pagers, software products, and Internet software. 7.<Tab/>Semiconductor Products Sector - designs and manufactures semiconductors, microprocessors and controllers, and circuits. And lastly, Motorola uses the functional strategy when it decided what initiatives will best support individual activities. As mentioned, these include continuous quality improvement, product innovation, and employee education and productivity enhancement.