Global Assignments:Pre-departure Training Program

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Table of Contents Global Assignments:1 Pre-departure Training Program1 Introduction3 The Training Program4 Session A: selection and expectations5 Part A: Country Briefing5 Part B Candidate Assessment Program6 Session B: Preparing expatriates and their families10 Part A (1 hour): Surviving culture shock10 Part B (1 hour): Practical problems12 Conclusions and Wrap-up13 Session C: Relocation and repatriation13 Part A (30 mins) Prepare the employee and family for relocation13 Part B (1 hour) Repatriation programme15 Part C (30 minutes): Three Case Studies in Point17 …

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…ur right finger is a greeting, while a raised hand with the palm inside is rude. Nodding means "yes" while shaking you head means "no". Usually when you beg for money you raise your hand up to face with the palm inside. You want to get some money for your lunch. Similar rule can be used to create new roles, rules and cue-cards. Session C Appendix - PowerPoint Presentation