Glengarry Glen Ross

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Desecration of the American Dream in Glengarry Glen Ross Glengarry Glen Ross portrays a harsh view of American business that not only contradicts, but also befouls the values of the "American Dream." The idealistic importance of fairness, equality, and the idea that hard work brings success included in this "dream" of American society is clearly not reality in this play. The values of work ethic, and equal opportunity are betrayed, and there is a notable …

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…defined moods in the play. The "American Dream" would more closely resemble a society of fair, equal benefits to those who are sufficiently trained and willing to work. The fierce competition displayed in Glengarry Glen Ross, while appearing to be the most successful capitalist strategy, desecrates these values and portrays an image contrary to that of the American Dream. Text: Mamet, David. Glengarry Glen Ross. New York: Grove Press, 1982 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** see end of paper