Give Macedonia and Its People Their Dignity

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Education
According to an Ellis Island ship manifest, on December 28, 1906, Anastas Risteff, a thirty-five year old tailor from Tzaivli, Macedonia and considering himself a Macedonian born in Macedonia, arrived in New York on the S.S. Cassell , which had left Bremen, Germany on the 15th. Upon arrival, the intake clerk on Ellis Island "corrected" his entry on the ship register in bold dark ink, crossing out his place of birth, nationality and country of origin. He …

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…> and <> (the official member website for Macedonia which currently features an historic belt buckle for a woman's costume with three suns of Kutlush on it like the original flag of the Republic of Macedonia.) Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Florida: MediaWiki, wiki engine. 6 Apr 2004 <>