Girlhood among ghosts

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Between the Two Worlds For most immigrants, finding identity and carving out a personal space in an alien culture with its peculiar life-styles, heritage, traditions, and language is difficult. Living on the edge of two distinct communities makes it harder to adjust to the standards of the new culture, and at the same time retain all the values of the old one. In her autobiographical novel The Woman Warrior Maxine Hong Kingston dramatizes the conflict …

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…stories from both cultures she manages to clarify her own position within the community, and therefore America. She balances the voices of her Chinese ancestry, which are seen as a culture full of ghosts and complexity, with the voices and social structures within America, which are seen as ordered and coherent, yet to many Chinese are too complex. At this point Kingston manages to blend the two cultural inheritances, the two separate worlds within her.