Ginsberg and Howl

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Ginsberg and "Howl" Allen Ginsberg's epic poem "Howl" is not only representative of the literature of the "Beat" Generation, as many scholars contend, but is also representative of the life and times that Ginsberg was raised and lived in. Based strongly enough on his life to be considered autobiographical, the poem touches on many of the major themes and ideas of Ginsberg's life and of his fellow "Beat" Generation writers, poets and other miscellaneous inhabitants. …

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…can boast of being such an important piece of American literature. It gave an insight to not only a generation and a literary movement, but into the mind and life of an important figure in the literary tradition of the United States. Without the success of "Howl" in the courtroom, many things enjoyed by Americans, both on television and in literature, would never have been considered art. They might never have even been considered legal.