Ghosts of Mississippi

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
The movie that I am going to talk about is 'Ghosts of Mississippi'. This movie is a lawyer/court trial movie. I enjoy watching movies like this a lot, so if you do not like court movies, then maybe this is not a movie for you. The movie takes place in Mississippi. The movie starts out in the early 1960's with Byron De La Beckwith driving in his car down a road, then parking the …

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…am glad that Byron De La Beckwith finally got what he deserved. It does not matter, either race nor creed or time, if a man takes the life of another, he should pay for what he has done. I hate that it took that much time before Byron De La Beckwith was convicted, but I would hate it ever more if he went free that day. I would recommend this movie to all my friends.