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Essay Database > History
Alex Malafy 4/06/01 Period 6 After Failing in Bombay to make a law practice Ghandi found himself 2 yrs later with an Indian firm with interests in South Africa retained him as legal adviser in its office in Durban. Arriving in Durban, Gandhi found himself treated as a member of an minor race. He was alarmed at the widespread denial of civil liberties and political rights to Indian immigrants to South Africa. He threw himself into the struggle …

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…on January 30, 12 days after the termination of that fast, as he was on his way to his evening prayer meeting, he was assassinated by a fanatic Hindu. In conclusive I would like to say that Gandhi became the international symbol of a free India. He lived a spiritual and ascetic life of prayer, fasting, and meditation. Mahatma's political and spiritual hold on India was so great that the British authorities dared not interfere with him.