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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
Gettysburg, the largest, bloodiest, and most celebrated battle of the Civil war, is said by many to be the turning point of the war that killed 618,000 Americans. Gettysburg the movie was four hours long, which is about 68 hours less than it actually took for the battle to come and go. The first shots were fired no long after daylight, so to be exact, it was 04:30 hours, on the morning of July 1st, (49 Nofi). Bullets flew …

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…would be Longstreets following of orders in the midst of doubt. The movie was very well made; it showed the harsh realities of war and the great simplicity of life. Brinkley,Alan. The Unfinished Nation. New York: Mc Graw Hill, 1997. Clark, Champ. Gettysburg; The Confederate High Tide. New Jersey: Time Life, 1985. Coddington, Edwin B. The Gettysburg Campaign. Ney York: Scribner Sons, 1979. Nofi, Albert A. The Gettysburg Campaign. New York: W. H. Smith, 1986 Gettysburg, The Movie 1993.