Germany's History Post 1945

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In the fifty years since the end of the Second World War, Germany has been occupied, divided among the victorious powers, rehabilitated in the community of nations, and unified. The new Germany that emerged from the collapse of communism has the world's third largest economy, and the largest in Europe. It is, as was the Federal Republic of Germany before it, the principal motor if economic and political integration in Europe. (Pulzer, p.1). Following the …

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…University Press. 1991. Glaessner, Gert-Joachim. German Democracy From Post World War II To The Present Day. Berg Publications. 2005 Pulzer, Peter. German Politics 1945-1995. Oxford University Press Inc. 1995. "German Culture: Postwar Occupation and Division." Tatyana Gordeeva. 1998-2004. <Tab/> "Germany." Wikipedia. Wikipedia, 2005. 29 Nov. 2005. The Historical Journal, 43, 3 (2000), pp. 869-888. Cambridge University Press. 2000. <Tab/>