German Education (15 pages)

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Higher Education in Germany The German Universities today find their origins in the monasteries and churches of the Middle Ages. Access to these schools was limited to nobility and those being trained for the clergy. Today access is much more open but over the years as more and more people were able to enter the university more problems arose. Many in Germany are looking for ways to solve problems in higher education and there are …

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…Style Universities for Germany?" Science. Vol. 280, Issue 5371, 1998. Hasenkamp, Ellen. "Student Give German Universities a C-minus" Christian Science Monitor. Vol. 87, 1995. Kriszio, Marianne. "Financial Incentives of Gender Equality in Higher Education in Germany" KVINNFORSK (1999) Online. 23 April 2001. Library of Congress. Germany: A Country Study. 3 ed. Washington D.C. 1995. Lingens, Hans. German Higher Education: Issues and Challenges. Bloomington, Indiana: Phi Delta Kappa, 1998. Xinhua News Agency "German Universities Should Have More Students" (March 10, 2001) Online. EPSCO. 23 April 2001.